Dog Eared Reads Episode 8


Beyond the Cover Feature: This month, in preparation of the Kodiak Public Library Association’s Annual Meeting on March 21st, we interview all 7 members of the KPLA board.  We discuss our lives and jobs here in Kodiak, as well as what inspired us to join the KPLA board.  We share our favorite KPLA-related stories, or talk about great books or authors we are interested in right now.  Tune in and get to know you KPLA board better!

Community ROAR Review:
Bob Ross reviews “Kodiak High School and it’s Students” by H. Leon Abrams Jr.   This was an independent research work, carried out in 1956 for partial fulfillment of the Education Science Degree at the Peabody College of Nashville, Tennessee.  This paper discusses the school system in the final years of the ‘old school’, the role of the military on the development of the town of Kodiak, as well as being a who’s who of the community of Educational Development in the Post WW2 Kodiak.  Bob discusses the development of “tracts” for college bound and non-college bound students, and how it affected him personally as a student in Kodiak at that time.

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Dog Eared Reads Episode #30

Sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode of Kodiak Public Library Association’s Dog Eared Reads.

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