Preservation Group Says Coastal Military Training May Harm Salmon Habitat

Maggie Wall/KMXT

The Kodiak Island Borough Assembly is being asked to sign on with a number of other coastal communities in opposing the proposed Navy and Military training known as Northern Edge.

Emily Stolarcyk of the Eyak Preservation Council will be in town to present the assembly with more information about the trainings and possible impacts on salmon.
Stolarcyk says it’s not the training that’s the problem, it is the timing and the location. She and others fear the ramifications of having the live ammo training in critical salmon habitat…


The Alaska Command said in a press release the activities “are conducted with an extensive set of mitigation measures designed to minimize the potential risk.”

Stolarcyk said that in addition to letting the borough assembly know how they feel commercial salmon permit holders will soon be getting a letter asking them to sign on to encourage Alaska’s senior senator, Lisa Murkowski, to urge the Navy to either move or reschedule the training, or both.

The Borough Assembly meets this evening (Thurs.) beginning at 6:30.

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