Alaska Fisheries Report – March 14, 2019




The Food and Drug Administration drops the last hurtle to genetically modified salmon being produced in the United States. And at least one company is poised to ship engineered salmon eggs to a fish farm in Indiana.

            Researchers believe winds from the south could lead to the disappearance of a ‘cold pool’ in the Bering Sea. That pool of cold water is the nursery for Alaska’s massive and lucrative pollock fishery.

            And we go back to the day when sailing ships plied Alaska waters. We have a report on the discovery of a sunken three-masted ice ship off Kodiak. The trick to finding it—realizing the difference in names for places between then and now.


We had help from Liz Ruskin the Washington, D.C. Correspondent with Alaska Public Media, Johanna Eurich with KYUK in Bethel.


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