The Kodiak City Council has one public hearing and a number of resolutions on tonight’s regular meeting agenda.
The Kodiak City Council will hold a public hearing tonight on an ordinance authorizing a 25-year lease with Island Air for parcels at the Trident Basin Float Plane facility.
According to the meeting packet the request for the lease comes about because of merger between Island Air and Andrew Airways.
Two small parcels are used for aircraft fueling tanks and two larger parcels are used for flight crew and customers. The annual market value of the lease is estimated to be nearly $24,000.
A number of resolutions and other authorizations are also on tonight’s agenda.
Two are fisheries related. The first would adopt an alternative method for distributing the state’s Raw Fish Tax which is collected at the dock when fish are landed.
The other fisheries item is a resolution which appoints council member John Whiddon to the Kodiak Fisheries Development Association. Whiddon previously managed Island Seafoods on Shelikof Street.
Other items under New Business include a resolution changing the rules of the council, a lease with Verizon Wireless and paying golden Alaska Excavating, LLC, for an equipment operator at the snow dump.
Tonight’s meeting begins at 7:30 in the Borough Assembly Chambers.
Here is link to meeting packet:
UPDATE: This story was updated to show that John Whiddon is a current city council member.