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The Kodiak Economic Development Corporation proposed a public-private partnership with the city as part of its funding request at Thursday’s work session (Photo: KMXT)
During a special meeting on June 24, the Kodiak City Council unanimously approved the budget for fiscal year 2025. Projected revenue from all funds in the next fiscal year is approximately $49 million.
Midday Report
  • An aerial view of the McDonald Fire burning through black spruce near Salcha on Thursday, June 20, 2024. The blaze has since grown to more than 54,000 acres.
    (From Tasha Shields/BLM AFS)
    On today’s Midday Report with host Terry Haines: Fires are burning around the state. An author is doing her Alaska book tour by bicycle. And Bristol Bay set netters train for safety.
Talk of the Rock
Alaska Fisheries Report
  • Snow crab fishermen sort their catch.
    Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers
    On this week's Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: A conversation with Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers' Jamie Goen about federal disaster funds, their proper uses, and the need for speed in their deployment.