Fireworks Rescheduled For August 31


Jay Barrett/KMXT

Because of the torrential rain and fog that plagued the city of Kodiak on and about the Fourth of July, the annual fireworks show was postponed twice, and ultimately cancelled. But now word comes from City Hall that a new date has been set for the display.

(Fireworks 1 25 sec “… or 11 p.m. for the fireworks, August 31st.”)

That was Kodiak City Manager Linda Freed, informing the city council of the change. She explained that the rain that cancelled the fireworks show was record-breaking, and caused a lot of extra work for several city departments:

(Fireworks 2 26 sec “… not an official record, but it’s a lot of rain.”)

Freed asks that residents help keep debris out of the drainage in their neighborhoods, as garbage cans clogging culverts was a prime contributor to the overflows.


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