State Gives KEA $1M More For Wind Power


Jay Barrett/KMXT

Kodiak Electric Association is a million dollars closer to paying for the wind turbine project on Pillar Mountain. The state’s legislative budget and audit committee met last week to go over several energy proposals.

CEO Darron Scott said KEA’s request was one of many the committee considered:

(KEA 1 18 sec “The Alaska Energy … were successful in ours.”)

Scott says KEA will be applying for another 9-million dollars from a separate pot of money approved by the state legislature earlier this year:

(KEA 2 29 sec “Back last spring … as well, from there.”)

Meanwhile, preparation for installation of the three towers went well this summer, including upgrading the road to the top of Pillar Mountain:

(KEA 3 29 sec “We’re pretty much on … been exciting to see the process.”)

Once installed, the turbines will be the largest in the state, each producing 1-and-a-half-megawatts of power. KEA has plans for three more turbines atop Pillar Mountain.


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