City, Borough Officials Schmooze in Juneau


Erik Wander/KMXT

Last week, members of Kodiak’s two ruling governments hosted the annual Kodiak legislative seafood reception in Juneau. They also had a chance to meet with the governor and Kodiak’s state delegation.

Erik Wander has more.

Borough Manager Rick Gifford said meetings with Senator Gary Stevens and Representative Alan Austerman were primarily focused on Kodiak’s capital projects list, outlining the projects the borough and city would like to have funded by the state. He said it doesn’t look like legislators are going to be able to muster much funding for capital projects, given the current economic times.

(Gifford 1 50 sec. "Legislators have not … that they can for the community.")

City councilman Jack Maker, who also attended the meetings in Juneau, said the city’s primary focus was on funding for a new jail, for which 3-million dollars more is desired from the state.

(Maker 1 32 sec. "We emphasized the fact … cost and upkeep of that facility.")

Maker said that although the outlook is not good for receiving much capital funding for many projects, including the jail, he believes Kodiak’s legislative delegation heard the concerns expressed and will do all they can. He also said there may be some funds available once the federal stimulus package is fully understood.

(Maker 2 32 sec. "I believe the concerns … nobody really understands it yet.")

Maker said that he believes "shovel-ready" projects such as the heavy lift dock have a good chance of receiving some funding. He also said he was impressed with Austerman’s position on fisheries privatization, which he opposes. The Kodiak seafood reception was attended many other legislators, providing an opportunity for the Kodiak delegation to put the island’s concerns and interests before them.

I’m Erik Wander.


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