Junk Cars Continue to Vex Council, Assembly


Erik Wander/KMXT

The issue of junk car removal was on the agenda at Tuesday evening’s joint work session with the Kodak Island Borough Assembly and the Kodiak City Council.

At the meeting, City Manager Linda Freed presented a sample letter to the owner of an abandoned vehicle as an example of the City’s policy regarding abandoned cars and trucks.

(Junk Cars 1 59 sec. "It’s a standard … things off their lots.")

Assembly woman Louise Stutes said she’s received calls from people concerned about vehicles abandoned on business properties and who is ultimately responsible for their removal.

(Junk Cars 2 37 sec. "There was some concern … on the property owner.")

Borough Manager Rick Gifford talked about the problems the borough faces when abandoned cars are reported.

(Junk Cars 3 14 sec. "The problem with that now … may have to do that.")

Freed said knowing the last registered owner of any abandoned vehicle is crucial when it comes to towing and removing them.

(Junk Cars 4 8 sec. "Using this process … registered owner of the vehicle.")

Owners who abandon their vehicles on city property have 20 days after notice from the Kodiak Police Department to either contest, store or dispose of their abandoned vehicles and cover all costs incurred, or face possible prosecution for unlawful abandonment of a vehicle.


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