Three Seats Available on KEA Board


Erik Wander/KMXT

Three seats on Kodiak Electric Association’s Board of directors are up for membership election this year. So far, KEA has yet to receive any petitions to run for the three open seats, aside from the three members whose terms are expiring.

Nancy Sweeney is a human resources specialist for KEA. She said the only petition packets KEA has received so far for the three open seats are from the three incumbents, Stosh Anderson, who has served on the board for eight years, Cliff Davidson, who has served for 12 years and Michael Brechan, who has served for a total of 21 years.

(KEA Board 1 20 sec. "Our bylaws do not … to check it out.")

Sweeney said KEA membership comes with the responsibility of helping to choose qualified board members from the community.

(KEA Board 2 55 sec. "Membership to Kodiak Electric … give us a call.")

The KEA board of directors consists of nine elected voting members, in addition to one non-voting, appointed Coast Guard liaison. Nominating petitions for the open seats on the KEA board must be received by March 18th. Nominating petition packets are available at the KEA office on Marine Way.


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