Unisea Fishermen Strike in Unalaska

Anne Hillman/KUCB

The Unisea pollock fleet is still on strike. It began over two weeks ago when the season opened on January 20th. Captains from multiple boats, who prefer not to be named, say they began the strike because they are holding out for higher pay.

The other major processors are offering 36.5 percent of profits but Unisea is only offering 36 percent. The captains say they just want to be treated fairly and be offered the same price as everyone else.

One captain said it was fortunate that the fishing is starting so slowly this season because the striking boats aren’t being hurt as badly. He added that if he weren’t striking he would be out looking for pollock right now.

Though the fleet has gone on strike before, it has never been for this long. The Unisea Co-Op is negotiating with the Unisea management in Seattle. Unisea president Terry Shaff could not be reached for comment.

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