Bidding Open for Bayside Addition


Erik Wander/KMXT

The Kodiak Island Borough is currently accepting bids for the Bayside Fire Station addition, which will allow the station to house vehicles and equipment that are currently being stored outside.

KMXT’s Erik Wander has more.

Borough Manager Rick Gifford said the Bayside Fire Station addition has been a long time in the making. He said the need for the addition is based largely on the need to house two relatively new fire trucks.

(Gifford 1 28 sec. "Fire service protection area … house those new trucks.")

Bayside Fire Chief Bob Himes described the addition as an 80-by-100 foot, five-bay structure that would be used to store vehicles that are currently being stored outside or off-site. He said storing the equipment inside will go a long way toward preserving its usefulness and saving the station money in the long run.

(Himes 1 24 sec. "We have our new squad … apiece to replace.")

Himes said the addition will also allow Bayside to help store some equipment for the city fire department as well as the Women’s Bay station in addition to its own storage needs.

(Himes 2 24 sec. "It’s have space for all that stuff … space for everything.")

The request for proposals is available on the borough’s web site. The borough will receive sealed bids until 3 p.m. tommorrow. Under the guidelines of the RFP, work must be substantially completed no later than October 1st and completed no later than November 1st.

I’m Erik Wander.


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