Firearm and Ammo Sales Up; Supply Short


Erik Wander/KMXT

With the Obama administration now firmly in power, hunters and other gun owners are expressing concerns about how they perceive administration’s policies on gun ownership. Retailers in Kodiak are experiencing increased sales for this time of year while struggling to meet demand.

Mack’s Sport Shop has seen gun sales increase markedly since Obama was elected President, according to Erik Berggren, manager of the gun department at Mack’s. Berggren attributes this to people’s fears of Obama’s policies on guns.

(Berggren 1 11 sec "In both ammunition … willing to vote against")

Berggren said supply is not currently keeping up with demand, and that sales could be going even better if he were able to stock or order all the needs of customers. He estimates an increase of about 40 to 50 percent on sales of guns and ammunition for this time of year. He also said the demand for certain weapons has increased drastically.

(Berggren 2 55 sec "The problem is twofold … would like to have at this point.") At Cy’s sporting Goods the situation appears to be no less lucrative but no less challenging when it comes to buying and selling guns. Owner Sharon Moore said gun sales are up roughly 40 percent, with some customers even clearing the shelves of their ammunition of choice.

(Moore 1 17 sec "The gun sales have … paranoid I think.")

Moore echoed Berggren’s sentiments with regard to supply and demand. She said people are looking for certain types of guns they believe President Obama plans to outlaw, and those are the most difficult for Moore to find or order.

(Moore 2 27 sec "They’re looking for … the guns that people want.")

The Obama administration has yet to propose gun legislation, although it has been a topic of discussion among second amendment advocates. Officials from the Kodiak Wal-Mart, which also provides retail sales of guns and ammunition could not be reached for comment. I’m Erik Wander.


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