Borough Budget Introduced; Schools Hoping For More


Erik Wander/KMXT

The Kodiak Island Borough Assembly approved an ordinance introducing its fiscal year 2010 budget at its regular meeting Thursday evening. The Assembly also approved a resolution establishing funding for the Kodiak Island Borough School District, funding that fell somewhat short of what the district had requested.

The borough’s budget includes funds to be spent in the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital project funds and enterprise funds for fiscal year 2010. The total of all revenues and expenditures was just over 32-million dollars, leaving a general fund balance of about 1-point-six million dollars, according to borough finance director Karl Short.

Assemblywoman Pat Branson said it’s important to remember that the approved ordinance was merely an introduction of the budget and that it’s still open for amendments and public scrutiny before a final budget is adopted.

(Budget 1 15 sec. "This is the introduction … FY10 budget on June 4th.")

Earlier in the meeting, assembly members approved funding for the school district in the amount of 10-point-2 million dollars, some 370-thousand dollars short of the district’s request. Speaking before the assembly’s vote, school district board president Norm Wooten appealed to assembly members to fund the maximum allowable contribution from local sources.

(Budget 2 28 sec. "We did request 10 … communities on Kodiak Island.")

Assemblyman Jerrol Friend said that as budget discussions progress, there is at least the possibility of ultimately being able to fund the full amount. However, he said it isn’t possible currently.

(Budget 3 12 sec. "I think given where we’re at … we can find that money.")

Agreeing with Friend, Branson acknowledged the importance of funding education to the highest possible level, but said the borough has to work out the details of its own budget first.

(Budget 4 27 sec. "It’s not to close the door … FY10 budget on June 4th.")

Assemblywoman Judy Fulp said the assembly should take a conservative approach.

(Budget 5 7 sec. "We have to really scrutinize … have to take some time.")

Short directed members of the public interested in reviewing the budget to the borough’s web site. Branson encouraged people to review the budget and provide feedback. The assembly will next meet in a work session on May 28th.


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