Travel Lift Project Ahead of Schedule


Erik Wander/KMXT

Construction work is finally underway on Kodiak’s new boat yard and large vessel travel lift facility in Saint Herman Harbor. According to the harbormaster’s office, great progress has already been made in a short period, and the project is on track, even running ahead of the anticipated schedule.

Contractors began work about two weeks ago, according to Kodiak Harbormaster Marty Owen. He said that based on progress so far, the yard and lift should be fully operational sometime between mid August and mid September, well ahead of the original target schedule of the end of September.

(Owen 1 23 sec. "Progress on the yard … to see it all coming together.")

Pacific Pile and Marine of Seattle is the contractor working on the pier, while sub-contractor Brechan Enterprises is doing the earth work. Owen said the recent good weather has helped.

(Owen 2 30 sec. "The rate they’re going … ready to lift a boat.")

Under a separate contract, Marine Travelift will be assembling the machine itself, most likely beginning next week. Owen said the lift is arriving in Kodiak in parts, because of its size, and will be assembled on-site.

(Owen 3 21 sec. "Half of it’s here … buying a Chevrolet in pieces.")

Owen updated the Kodiak City Council Tuesday evening on how he intends to operate the yard and how fees will be structured. He said he’s in the process of creating a best management practices manual or BMP for operating the yard.

(Owen 4 47 sec. "So we’re creating … plus an annual inspection.")

Owen said the annual inspection is done by a marine surveyor, who inspects the hull for steel thickness and to ensure it has been properly zincked. The city, which will operate the yard, will have a staff to block, wash and otherwise prepare boats to turn over to owners and vendors for whatever work needs to be done. Owen said he hopes good weather, which has enabled contractors to get a good start on the project, continues.

I’m Erik Wander.


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