Wet Dog Pioneers Reach Kodiak


Erik Wander/KMXT

The Wet Dogs have finally made it to Kodiak. After being waylaid in Anchor Point by mechanical problems and rough weather, the group of five-jet skiers made it out on Sunday, after separating water from their gas and replacing damaged fuel injectors.

Team leader John Lang said the group made it from Anchor Point to Port Williams on the southern end of Shuyak Island Sunday and stayed the night, before embarking on the leg to Kodiak.

(Dogs 1 15 sec. "We ended up staying at … eight o’clock last night.")

Lang said the ensuing journey to Kodiak was not without its own glitches.

(Dogs 2 50 sec. "Boats ran good until we … try to get a new battery for it.")

If all goes as planned today (Tuesday), Lang said the group intends to leave Kodiak at about 8 a.m. tomorrow (Wednesday) morning and head for Old Harbor, beginning a trip around Kodiak Island and stopping at the villages along the way.

(Dogs 3 12 sec. "Then we would go on to … stay the night over.")

From Kodiak Island, the Wet Dogs will head for Alitak Bay. Their final destination is Iliamna, after rounding the Alaska Peninsula.


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