Wet Dog Riders Grounded by Weather


Jay Barrett/KMXT

The Wet Dogs are delaying their departure from Anchor Point. After working until the wee hours separating water from their gas and replacing fouled fuel injectors, the five jet-skiers are ready to go back in the water. But according to team leader John Lang, they feel the need for a shakedown cruise before hitting the open ocean.

(Lang 1 27 sec "We worked on our boats … a good test run on them here.")

Weather is also a factor for the team, and an approaching low is giving them pause:

(Lang 2 30 sec "And then we got to looking … and make good decisions.")

The marine weather forecast for the Barren Islands is calling for a gale warning tonight and tomorrow, with Northeast winds to 35 knots and seas building to 12 feet. Certainly not ideal conditions for a jet ski.

Lang said it looks like the earliest they can leave Anchor Point is Sunday morning. They plan on crossing to Port Graham at the tip of the Kenai Peninsula before making for Kodiak. Their ultimate destination is Iliamna, after they round the Alaska Peninsula.


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