A Tale of Two Pools


Diana Gish/KMXT

The school board held its regular meeting Monday (last) night. The board heard two reports, both from the district’s Director of Operations, Scott Williams. Williams gave an update on the high school bond project as well as a report on summer maintenance projects district-wide.

Included in that list was an update on the old and new swimming pools. Some eyebrows were raised when Williams reported a leak in the roof above the pool. That is, until he clarified which pool roof had a leak.

(pool 1 :57 "…shouldn’t impact the students at all.")

Williams also provided the board with an update on the progress of the new pool which is scheduled to open next month.

(pool 2 :56 "…the 22nd of August for the new pool.")

In the business portion of the meeting the board passed four new certified contracts. The contracts are for a math/science teacher at Old Harbor School, a district-wide outreach/preschool teacher, a school psychologist for the district and an education technologist for the district.

The board also approved a purchase order of 12,400 dollars for a workshop to train elementary teachers in the "Bridges" Mathematics program.

After the public portion of Monday (last) night’s meeting the School Board adjourned into executive session to discuss Superintendent Stewart McDonald’s evaluation and contract.

(for AM & Noon only:)

Be sure to catch "Talk of the Rock" today at 12:30 here on KMXT. On today’s show, School District Superintendent Stewart McDonald answers questions on the Kodiak High School Bond project. That’s "Talk of the Rock" today at 12:30 here on KMXT.


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