Three Applicants Interviewed by Council


Jay Barrett/KMXT

The three hopefuls seeking appointment to the Kodiak City Council answered a series of questions in a group interview with the council at a work session last night.

All three, Charlie Davidson, Rhonda Maker and John Whiddon, are familiar, long-time residents of Kodiak. Davidson served 15 years on the council before not seeking re-election two years ago. Maker has fished here and is the owner of the Treasury and Treasury Home stores downtown. Whiddon is a retired Coast Guard pilot and currently manages Island Seafoods. He’s also the president of the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce.

On Thursday, the council will select one of the three to serve until the October Municipal Elections, when the last year of the vacated term will be up for grabs. The seat became available when Jack Maker resigned the council last month after moving outside Kodiak City Limits. You can hear Thursday night’s meeting live at 7:30 here on KMXT.

Mayor Carolyn Floyd asked the questions for the council, first asking each of the applicants why they wanted to be appointed to the seat. Here are their responses in the order they gave them; first Davidson, then Maker and Whiddon:

(Council 1 2:01 "I’m interested because … fairly diverse background.")

Floyd then asked them what they saw as the most pressing issues the city currently faces:

(Council 2 1:40 "I think they can fall into … in our fisheries management.")

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