Youth Push for New High School


Diana Gish/KMXT

At the most recent Kodiak Island Borough Assembly meeting, over 20 residents spoke during the citizens’ comments portion of the meeting. While many of the comments were in support of renewing Threshold Services recycling contract, other citizens took advantage of the opportunity to speak in favor or against the issuance of bonds to fund a new high school. Included in the high number of speakers was a group not usually represented at borough meetings: recent Kodiak High School graduates.

(KIB Youth Comment 4:02 "…anybody else have comments?")

Those were some of the comments heard at the borough’s regular meeting on July 16th. At that meeting the assembly voted to approve the introduction of the school bond ordinance. The ordinance will be discussed at a public hearing on August 6th. At that meeting the assembly will determine whether or not the school bond measure will go on the ballot in October.


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