Kodiak Quintathlon a Success

Diana Gish/KMXT

The 2009 Kodiak Quintathlon took place over the weekend and was deemed a great success by organizers and participants. Five individuals and 8 relay teams participated in the event. Volunteers and over 50 sponsors supported the Kodiak High School Cross Country team in raising over six thousand dollars during the event. The money raised will go towards the team’s annual ferry trip.

Ben Cournia took the title of top individual male with a time of one hour, thirty two minutes and thirty nine seconds. Abby Reed took the top prize for the women. Reed edged out Betsy Lund by one minute with a winning time of one hour thirty seven minutes and thirty seven seconds. The title of first place team was claimed for the fifth consecutive year by "The One-Ders". "The One-Ders" are Trevor Dunbar, Stig Yngve, Jordan Foster, Lucas Fried and Cory Pena.

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