‘It’s a Guy Thing’ Kicks Off Theater Season Friday



Tom Quass, Andrew Ott and Mike Wall rehearse "Hidden in This Picture," a part of this weekend’s readers theater production "It’s a Guy Thing." Photo by Pam Foreman

Jay Barrett/KMXT

The winter theater season kicks off in Kodiak this weekend with a series of short plays produced by the Loose Edge Readers Theater and the Fair Wind Players.

"It’s a Guy Thing," features four plays produced by Veronica Costa-Bolton and Jenny Stevens.

(Plays 1 35 sec "The first three are by an author… into under three minutes.")

Don Roberts plays one of three construction workers in the play "Mere Mortals."

(Plays 2 45 sec "It’s one of those things … the news from the Ukraine?")

Roberts’ co-stars are Tom Kjera and John Bartel. In fact, Bartel is in three of the four pieces featured in "It’s a Guy Thing."

Stevens and Costa-Bolton said the fourth play is written by a well-known television producer:

(Plays 3 39 sec "And the last piece is … ultimate statement of a movie.")

"It’s a Guy Thing," plays two nights, Friday (tonight) and Saturday (tomorrow), in the Drama Pod at the Gerald C. Wilson Auditorium.

Next weekend, over three nights, Thursday through Saturday, the Fair Wind Players are presenting "Secrets of a Soccer Mom," staring Lissa Woodbury-Jensen, Tricia Bartel, and Heather Comber (co-merr). It’s the story of three women who are engaged in a soccer game against their sons:

(Plays 4 33 sec "The boys are playing pretty rough … and their family, too.")

So, two weekends of plays featuring the world through men’s and then women’s eyes:

(Plays 5 33 sec "Well, they’re both so different … how about that?"

I’m Jay Barrett.


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