Clean Harbor Certification


Diana Gish/KMXT

The Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators Conference continues today in Kodiak. One of the presenters on the agenda is Rachel Lord of Homer.

Lord, who works for Cook Inlet Keeper, came to Kodiak to talk to the AAHPA members about the Clean Harbor Certification Program. She’s the project manager for the program which is funded by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.

(Clean Harbor 1 "It’s a voluntary … marine resources.")

Lord says there are many benefits to participating harbors including a reduction in the cost of waste disposal and spill response.

(Clean Harbor 2 "It’s a way … people’s back yards.")

She says Clean Harbor requires a top-down commitment from harbor officials and staff and community leaders.

(Clean Harbor 3 "Through really … the best we can.")

Lord says that she’s finding Alaska’s harbor officials to be very interested in the program and that the timing is right as more people are recognizing the need for this kind of action.

The Clean Harbor program has been adopted by 24 other coastal and great lake states.

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