Floyd, Whiddon Win, Unionization Fails

Jay Barrett/KMXT

The City of Kodiak election results are final after the canvass board met Wednesday. There were no changes in the preliminary results after last week’s initial tally.

Carolyn Floyd extended her lead over Charlie Davidson in the race for mayor. After the questioned ballots were counted, she added 88 votes to his 37. Floyd was re-elected to her ninth consecutive term in office with 585 votes, or 64-point-4 percent. Davidson had 345 votes.

In the race for the one-year council seat, John Whiddon also expanded his lead slightly, adding 69 votes to Mike Woodruff’s 52. Whiddon will be seated with 495 votes to Woodruff’s 400.

The margin in the ballot initiative vote did not change, with both the Yes and No sides getting 63 more votes. The No vote prevailed 472 to 455, which means the city’s prohibition against unionization will stand. The city spent over 40,000 dollars to hire an Anchorage public relations firm to fight the ballot initiative, while the Alaska State Employees Association advertised on the pro side. Jim Duncan is the head of the employees’ union and said last week the A-S-E-A may ask for a recount if the results are close enough.

Both Josie Rosales and Gabriel Saravia received an identical number of votes, 604, in their respective unopposed quests for re-election to three-year terms.

Overall, 1,041 ballots were cast in the city – 515 at the Harbor Precinct, 397 at the Teen Center and 129 questioned ballots. Voter turnout was 27-point-6 percent.

The election will be certified next Thursday at the city council’s regular meeting.

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