Fun on the Farm


Diana Gish/KMXT

Fun on the Farm" time again at the fairgrounds. This weekend marks the third annual event which is a fundraiser to support Kodiak’s chapter of the Future Farmers of America. The students plan and run "Fun on the Farm" to earn money for their greenhouse and for state and national conventions.

LeeAnn Schmelzenbach is a high school English teacher and co-advisor of the FFA.

(Farm Fun 1 "And this year….also selling kindling.")

The fund raiser is pay-as-you-go for food and games; there is no charge to get into the arena where the event will be held.

(Farm Fun 2 "We just want … appreciate the support.")

The F-F-A members served on committees to oversee different aspects of the fund raiser. Schmelzenback (schmell-zen-bach) talked about what the students get for their efforts.

(Farm Fun 3 "It is a lot of work … for that as well.")

At "Fun on the Farm" you might even get the opportunity to milk a cow, a virtual cow that is…

(Farm Fun 4 "One of the games … by said real cow.")

Fun on the Farm takes place at the Kodiak fairgrounds this Saturday from 5 to 8 p.m.

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