PKIMC Imposing Visiting Restrictions


Diana Gish/KMXT

There are new visiting rules at Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center. The hospital is making changes as a precautionary measure to protect patients and staff from the spread of swine flu.

Borghy Holm is the public relations and communications coordinator for Providence. She says that Providence is adopting the same measures that other hospitals around the country are implementing.

(PKIMC 1 :28 "We’ve all heard … everything we can.")

Many of the new hospital visitor rules are geared towards youth 18 and under.

Holm emphasized that the new policies are only intended for people visiting patients and not for people seeking medial care.

(PKIMC 2 : 10 "We don’t have any … needs treatment.")

People who feel sick or have flu symptoms should avoid visiting patients in the hospital. Those symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough, and a runny nose.

(PKIMC 3 :10 "We’re also asking … in the hospital.")

Because Kids 18 and under are at a higher risk of getting and spreading the swine flu, they are limited to visiting immediate family members only. Visitors to maternity wards and intensive care units must be over 18. Holm said there are exceptions to the maternity ward rule for expectant fathers under 18..

Patients coming to the hospital for routine appointments are asked to arrange childcare in order to cut down on the number of children in the waiting room.

(PKIMC 4 :15 "We’d just like … just worth it."

Holm said that the hospital has no visitor restrictions for patients receiving end-of-life care.


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