School Board Reviews Swine Flu Plan


Diana Gish/KMXT

A presentation on the Kodiak school district’s swine flu plan was made at the school board’s regular meeting this week. Steve Doerksen is the director of Schools and Student Services.

(flu plan 1 :49 "We are watching …likely is H1N1.")

Doerksen said the district is monitoring the situation closely and that he’s in daily contact with the school nurses and secretaries and keeping tabs on attendance.

(flu plan 2 :40 "Again we’re really … flu-like symptoms.")

Doerksen is watching the district’s swine flu situation as both an administrator and a parent. On the day he gave the report to the school board his own child was home with flu symptoms.

(flu plan 3 1:00 "So, it is going … at this time.")

The district is providing home care information packets which are available at each of the school offices as well as on the district’s website.

Board member Petal Ruch asked Doerksen about the status of swine flu vaccinations for Kodiak.

(flu plan 4 1:01 "The first dose … at public health.")

Doerksen was asked if one of the schools closed if all of them would be closed? He answered that there are many factors that would go in to making that decision including the number of students and staff that are absent from each location.


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