State Association Honors Lundquist


Diana Gish/KMXT

One of Kodiak’s own was honored recently at a convention for Alaska’s Cabaret, Hotel, Restaurant and Retailers Association. Andy Lundquist was the recipient of the association’s lifetime achievement award. The organization is called CHARR for short and Carmen Lunde is the director of Kodiak’s chapter.

(CHARR 1 "And in the … quite an honor.")

Lundquist came to Kodiak in 1982 and bought Tony’s Bar. He joined Alaska’s CHARR and served on the state board for 10 years.

(CHARR 2 "and also Kodiak … many other things.")

Lunde was asked to present the lifetime achievement award to Lundquist at the CHARR convention in Ketchikan. She said that presenting it was itself an honor.

(CHARR 3 "They asked me … has been resolved.")

The state CHARR convention took place last week in Ketchikan. Some of the topics addressed included surviving in the current economy and how to combat underage drinking.

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