School Attendance Drops This Week


Diana Gish/KMXT

The Kodiak Island Borough School District is reporting a large increase in its absentee rates. The school district has asked parents of children with flu symptoms to keep their children at home in order to slow the spread of illness and parents seem to be heeding the advice.

Most of the district schools in Kodiak are reporting 20 percent of the kids absent at each site. Kodiak Middle School has a higher rate of students out; around 37 percent. Close to 200 middle school students were absent both on Monday and Tuesday.

Kodiak Middle School Principal Ron Bryant said the staff is doing its best to focus on teaching the students that are in school. He also said he’s had to learn to take a new approach toward symptoms he used to just "tough out."

(School 1 "When I was … -up that work")

Kodiak Christian School’s administrator Steve Steffensen is also dealing with a dramatic drop in attendance this week.

(School 2 "Well, you know … substantial number.")

Steffensen said that the school is monitoring the illnesses by staying in close touch with each of the families. So far, the staff at the school has managed to stay healthy.

Steve Doerkson is the director of schools for the Kodiak Island Borough School District. He said that although they don’t know the exact causes of the absences they expect that many of them are due to the flu.

(School 3 "Fortunately today the … students fall behind.")

Doerkson said that at this point, he feels confidant that the schools will remain open.

Kodiak Christian School’s Steffensen is also trying to remain optimistic about the situation.

(School 4 "You know I …at the end of it.")

In addition to keeping kids with flu symptoms home parents are reminded to keep up the daily lectures about hand washing and covering sneezes and coughs in order to help slow the spread of germs.

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