KIB Assembly and School Board Meet Tonight


Diana Gish/KMXT

Tonight members of the Kodiak Island Borough’s Assembly and Board of Education meet for a joint work session.

School District Superintendent Stewart McDonald shared the reasons the two governing bodies are meeting.

(Joint Session 1 "What they want … with the borough")

The first challenge of the joint work session was finding a time for both entities to meet. Borough Manager Rick Gifford explained why he thinks the meeting is worth the effort.

(Joint Session 2 "It’s just good … go forward with")

One of those issues is looking at the possibility of establishing joint insurance coverage for the borough and the school district. Currently the school district and the borough use separate insurance providers. According to McDonald a merger could be more complicated than it sounds.

(Joint Session 3 "Because so much … talking about.")

No specific outcomes are expected tonight since the meeting is a work session. Both Gifford and McDonald said it’s primarily an opportunity to talk about key issues.

(Joint Session 4 "I’m hoping to … what takes place.")

The joint session takes place tonight at 7:30 in the assembly chambers.

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