Council Appreciative of Jail Funds; Decry Water Project Vetoes


Jay Barrett/KMXT

At Thursday’s meeting, members of the Kodiak City Council were pretty happy to find out that Governor Sean Parnell signed into law the $2.1-million funding for the jail portion of the new Kodiak Public Safety Building.

At the same time, the council was forced to approve another change submitted by contractor Roger Hickel, as the price for the jail went up. Police Chief T.C. Kamai explained that the increase was because of the delay in getting state funds.

(Jail 1 18 sec "Roger Hickel’s explanation … to $5.1-million.")

Despite being the council member most vocally against change orders in general, Tom Walters was appreciative to all who helped secure the funds for the jail’s completion:

(Jail 2 37 sec "Well, I just want to thank … new place to work from.")

Councilman Terry Haines agreed with Walters on the passage of jail funds, but was critical of one of the two gubernatorial vetoes that targeted Kodiak:

(Jail 3 34 sec "Very grateful the governor … don’t have any option on that.")

In addition to the veto of $4-million for the ultra-violet water treatment, Parnell also axed $2.8-million for phase-three of the Aleutian Homes water and sewer replacement project.

Meanwhile, Kamai told the council that a temporary dispatch center started operating from the new station on June 2nd, and the remaining staff should move in next week.


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