Parking to Close During Construction Near Ocean Beauty


Diana Gish/KMXT

Starting today, parking will be intermittently closed along a downtown stretch of Shelikof Street. The parking will be blocked off while crews from Brechan Enterprises repave the road from near Ocean Beauty to Marine Way.

Kodiak’s Public Works Director Mark Kozak explained how the work will affect that area during the construction which will involve a few different phases.

(No Parking 1 "They’ll start showing …the new asphalt.")

Kozak said there will be more traffic congestion and delays on that part of Shelikof Street this week but access to businesses on the road will be available. Parking, however, will not.

(No Parking 2 "In order to … of the way.")

The road repair involves "milling." Where a machine grinds down the payment so new pavement can be laid down. The resurfacing is scheduled to take place at night. Kozak said that one area, between NAPA and Arc ‘N’ Spark, will have to be completely replaced due to deterioration.

Parking availability will shift during the month, depending on which areas are under construction.

Kozak said that the no-parking areas will be marked with signs and cones.

(No Parking 3 "All the cooperation … the way sooner.")

Anyone parking in the closed areas will be towed with no exceptions.

(No Parking 4 "Yeah.Which we …rather rapid rate.")

Kozak said that the road work is not part of the downtown improvement plans. He said it was work that was planned for last year but wasn’t finished.

Depending on weather, the work is scheduled to be completed by June 26th.

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