Voc-Ed Topic of Conference Today


Whitney Jones/KMXT

Many recent graduates across the country are having difficulty finding work in the current economy, but as Whitney Jones reports Kodiak High School is looking to offer a unique learning opportunity to better prepare its students.

Today’s (Tuesday’s) meeting is open to the public and is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the KANA/Koniag Building.

(VOC Forum :XX SOQ)

Kodiak High School is inviting local employers and industry leaders to help brainstorm ways to integrate vocational work skills into students’ college prep curriculum. Work skill development has been incorporated into classes for years…and now…school officials want to extend that learning experience outside the classroom…in apprenticeships

Kodiak High School Principal Bill Watkins:

Watkins1 (:10 The goal here is to get High School students graduating from high school with not only high school diploma but perhaps a certificate or associates degree in a field of interest…Also to improve our workforce.)

School Superintendent Stewart McDonald says the work-study program will prepare students for the future job market.

McDonald1 (:20 It’s kind of a strange thing to say and it’s almost a frightening thing to say because it feels like we’re just reaching out in the dark. The truth is, as we see jobs every single day right around us that if we can prepare our students for those emerging jobs, that future jobs that don’t exist yet, they’ll be ready to make that change and adjustment.)

As soon as this fall, students may be able to earn college credits or certificates by taking on apprenticeships in seafood science, wind turbine technology and other industries.

I’m Whitney Jones.


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