Kodiak High School Swim Teams Strong Contenders


Jacob Resneck/KMXT

Kodiak High School’s swim teams are already emerging as strong contenders in the state after both the boys and girls came in first at a meet last weekend in Homer.

The girls blew away the competition, winning by 92 points. The boys also took first but by a more modest 4-point margin. The regional meet hosted 11 schools.

Coach John Lindquist says Kodiak’s girls are looking very strong this year with no clear regional rival.

(swim1 14 sec "Um, that was obvious … for the region title.")

The season kicked off at home two weeks ago where the girls swept the challengers from Kenai. The boys faltered, losing by 2 points on the first day and 6 points the second. There are 20 girls and nine boys in competition and captains haven’t been selected yet.

(swim2 13 sec "We have not established … that person or people."
Lindquist says he expects both teams to go far this year. He notes that the girls came in second last year in state.

(swim3 16 sec "And we look to be … to graduation last year.")

There are a total of six meets scheduled this season plus regional and state championships.

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