Windmills Exceed First-Year Expectations


Maggie Wall/KMXT

kodiak_windmills.jpg It’s been just over a year since Kodiak Electric Association erected the three wind turbines atop Pillar Mountain.

And, according to KEA President and CEO Darren Scott, the project has not only met – but has exceeded – expectations.

(Generators 1 :48 "I think we were…all those type of things.")

Kodiak recently had an opportunity to show off its wind generators. When the Alaska Municipal League met in town last month, Scott gave a luncheon presentation that sparked a lot of interest from leaders around the state:

(Generators 2 :51 "After the presentation…next few years.")

Scott said part of the success of the turbines’ first year can be credited to hard work ahead of time – especially when it came to keeping the turbines on-line and working smoothly with the rest of the system:

(Generators 3 :28 "It’s been very good… very successful all around."))

Scott adds that with the turbines online, combined with the Terror Lake hydro plant, Kodiak now gets more than 90 percent of its energy from renewable natural sources.

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