Effects of Climate Change on Kodiak Island Waters Focus of Symposium’s Opening Talk


Jacob Resneck/KMXT

An international authority on Arctic research will be discussing the effects of climate change on Alaska’s waters Friday in Kodiak. Larry Hinzman is the director of the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Hinzman’s presentation is scheduled from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday at Kodiak College. His talk is part of a larger series of panelists for the Kodiak Marine Science Symposium.

— arctic 1 :14 "What I’m gonna do … in the next hundred years."

Hinzman’s expertise comes from 20 years of studying permafrost in the interior. But researchers from his institute have been studying the changes in the oceans not only with the retreat of sea ice but also ocean acidification and its effects on fisheries. He says he’ll be giving an overview of what the research projects for Kodiak.

— arctic 2 :48 "Probably the biggest hammer … big impact on our crab."

Ocean acidification is the result of ocean waters absorbing increasing amounts of carbon dioxide caused by industrial polluters. Deforestation eliminates natural carbon sinks that absorb C-O-2 and also contributes to the problem. Increased acidity of seawater will directly affect commercial fish stocks.

And climate change is being experienced earlier northern latitudes. Hinzman says that means it is offering signs of what’s in store for the rest of the world.

— arctic 3 :29 "One important thing … the rest of the world."

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