Kodiak Olympian Homecoming Today


Maggie Wall/KMXT

Kodiak’s Special Olympics world champion comes home today and supporters and friends are encouraging everyone to turn out at the airport to welcome him back.

Christopher Kavanaugh, a power lifter, will return to Kodiak packing four medals won in the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Athens, Greece.

Kavanaugh finished the competition with one gold, two silver and a bronze.

(Olympic Athlete 1 :02 "Yo, that is just awesome!")

That is Dan Canavan who is the community director of Kodiak Special Olympics.

He says Kavanaugh’s four-medal take includes a gold and a personal best-plus a division title:

(Olympic Athlete 2 :45 "He power lifted … in his division.")

Kavanaugh and his family are due to arrive on today’s afternoon jet. Canavan says he’s hoping the community gives the Special Olympics champion a big welcome home.

You can join the welcoming party by being at the airport in time to meet the 4:03 Alaska Airlines flight.


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