School Board Candidates Introduce Themselves


Jennifer Canfield/KMXT

Candidates for Kodiak Island Borough School Board also voiced their positions at this week’s forum.

Current board member Peggy Rauwolf and retired teacher Giovanni Tallino are running against each other for a one-year term on the school board. They were both asked why they chose to run for office and if elected what issues they would focus on.

Tallino talked about getting villages more involved with the board.

Rauwolf wanted to finish something she has been a part of during her term, namely the construction and renovation of the Kodiak High School.

Aaron Griffin and Katie Oliver are running uncontested for three-year seats on the school board. They were asked to give a statement introducing themselves to the community. Both took the opportunity to encourage voters to consider education a priority when voting in local elections.

Voting for all local elections takes place next Tuesday, October 4th.

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