Austerman Readies for Legislative Session


Jay Barrett/KMXT

Kodiak House Representative Alan Austerman is gearing up for the next legislative session which starts in January. As he did last year, he wants the state to prepare for the day when oil-based revenue declines.

(Austerman 1 27 sec "I think we’ll be in the … like its been declining.")

He says he plans to talk with local officials soon about their capital money requests:

(Austerman 2 37 sec "I have seen some lists … for the 15 million.")

As for the governor’s proposed budget, Austerman says he likes the idea of road-building to reach mineral resources, which Parnell announced this week:

(Austerman 3 20 sec "I have not sat down and … revenue and income to the state.")

Governor Parnell has pushed hard for a reduction in the oil production tax, and Austerman agrees that some changes to the tax structure might be warranted:

(Austerman 4 34 sec "And I said that last year … put oil in the pipeline.")

Austerman says he has filed a letter of intent to seek re-election in 2012. His district – like all house and senate districts in the state – will be changing next year. If the redistricting plan stands up to legal challenges, he will no longer represent parts of the Alaska Peninsula, but will pick up communities along the north Gulf Coast.

(Austerman 5 14 sec "I’m actually quite pleased … all going to be tied together.")

Austerman is no stranger to spread out districts. When he was in the senate, his district stretched from Kodiak to parts of the Panhandle.

The legislative session begins on January 17th.


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