Borough Strategic Plan Up for Adoption


Jay Barrett/KMXT

One of the items on the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly’s agenda for Thurday night’s regular meeting is a resolution adopting the Borough Strategic Plan for the Years 2012-2016. Different than a comprehensive plan, which is a roadmap for zoning and development, a strategic plan is a roadmap of priorities for the next five years.

Borough Manager Rick Gifford says the assembly has been using the strategic plan for a number of years now, and usually meets yearly to review it.

The resolution adopting the strategic plan will come up during tomorrow night’s meeting, which will be broadcast live here on KMXT at 7:30 p.m.

— (Strat Plan 1 29 sec "They go over it and try to set … several years to accomplish.")

He said the plan’s priorities mostly deal with large projects the borough has underway, like the expansion of the Kodiak High School and the landfill, but many other items are on the list, too:

— (Strat Plan 2 25 sec "They’ve got some discussion about … each area has a little bit in it.)

One of the goals is to help pay for the others – and that’s getting caught up on property valuations around the borough:

— (Strat Plan 3 29 sec "We were way behind, so now … close to that number as we can.")

Gifford said the borough’s department heads use the strategic plan as a guide and to help them formulate their budgets.

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