Stevens: Alaska Aerospace Closure Talk Premature


Jay Barrett/KMXT

At a press conference yesterday, the co-chairs of the Alaska Senate Finance Committee did not say how they stood on the governor’s request for $8-million to keep the Alaska Aerospace Corporation afloat for another year. Senator Bert Stedman of Sitka said the committee has been going through the governor’s budget, but have not yet held any discussion on his AAC request:

— (AAC Senate 1 19 sec "We haven’t started, but … we’ll work through that issue.")

On Monday, Kodiak Representative Alan Austerman said if more funding is not forthcoming, the AAC board may begin discussions of shutting down the corporation and selling it off.

Kodiak Senator Gary Stevens said at a press conference yesterday that it’s not yet the time to discuss shutting the doors on Alaska Aerospace Corporation:

— (AAC Senate 2 22 sec "Well it’s a little premature to … contracts by the end of the year.")

Stevens said the $8-million appropriation will give AAC time to secure new contracts and move toward self-sustainability:

— (AAC Senate 3 18 sec "There have been many successful … dismantling that facility.")

Last year the Alaska Aerospace Corporation asked the legislature for $10-million, but only $4-million was appropriated for operations and maintenance at the Kodiak Launch Complex. The state-owned organization has had one launch since then, the Tac-Sat 4, an experimental tactical communication satellite for the Department of Defense.

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