Time Running Out for Artist Grants


Jay Barrett/KMXT

The Anchorage-based Rasmuson Foundation has been giving money to creative Alaskans for eight years now through its Individual Artist Awards. Overall, $2-million has been put in the hands of artists around the state. The deadline for this year’s applications and nominations is coming up soon, and according to the foundation’s Jayson Smart, they are working hard on getting the word out.

— (Rasmuson 1 23 sec "As we do this work, we think … focus on building that awareness.")

There are three grant levels each year: the $5,000 project award to help artists with short-term goals such as preparing for an exhibit; the $12,000 fellowship award for mid-career to mature artists designed to help them focus on developing their creative work; and the $25,000 distinguished artist award for mature artists. There are 10 disciplines under which artists will be considered:

— (Rasmuson 2 28 sec "Every year, all 10 of those … that we are specifically recognizing.")

Those five categories this year are: Media Arts, Multidiscipline and New Genres, Music Composition; Presentation and Interpretation, and, Visual Arts.

For the project and fellowship awards, the process starts with an application by the artist. Recipients of the distinguished artist award, however, are determined from a list of nominees.

— (Rasmuson 3 29 sec "To date, we’ve had eight individuals … their craft and their work.")

The project and fellowship award applications are reviewed by a panel from Outside:

— (Rasmuson 4 40 sec "And those are individuals who … terms of a distinguished artist.")

The application and nomination deadline is March 1st, and the awards will be announced in mid May. We’ve got a link to the Rasmuson Foundation on our website, KMXT.org.


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