Crew Safe After Ship Disabled

Jennifer Canfield/KMXT

The Kodiak-based Alaskan Star is being led back to port after hitting a rock. Petty Officer Grant DeVuyst says the crew from the 58-foot fishing vessel contacted the Coast Guard yesterday at 7:42 a.m. to request assistance.

Jennifer Canfield/KMXT

The Kodiak-based Alaskan Star is being led back to port after hitting a rock. Petty Officer Grant DeVuyst says the crew from the 58-foot fishing vessel contacted the Coast Guard yesterday at 7:42 a.m. to request assistance.

"I know they were about two miles off shore and they were drifting away from shore so there wasn’t any imminent danger of them running aground. I believe it was Unimak Island they were off but I don’t have that in writing right here."

District 17 watchstanders directed the Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley to head in their direction. However, another vessel, the St. Peter, was able to reach the drifting boat sooner. There were five people on board the Alaskan Star. All are reported to in good condition. Both vessels should arrive in Lost Harbor near Unalaska sometime today.

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