Council Introducing Sales Tax; Assembly Wants Project Manager

Jay Barrett/KMXT

Kodiak’s two governing bodies are meeting separately tonight at 7:30 – the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly will hold a work session downstairs of the borough building, while the Kodiak City Council will hold a regular meeting upstairs in the Assembly Chambers.

The top item on the council agenda of course is the introduction of an ordinance to increase the sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent and increase the maximum taxable purchase from $750 to $3,500. Since the ordinance is simply being introduced tonight, public comment on it will only be heard at the beginning or end of the meeting. A public hearing and final vote on the sales tax issue will occur in May.

Also on the city agenda is a resolution to support fertilization of several Kodiak area lakes by the Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association to enhance salmon rehabilitation.

Meanwhile downstairs, the borough assembly will be looking for answers from the administration as to why there’s been no progress on finding an independent project manager for the Kodiak High School expansion and renovation project. Several assembly members at last week’s regular meeting expressed frustration that no progress has been made.

The assembly will also discuss selling borough land to free it up for residential development, something local realtors have been pushing for.

Both meetings are at 7:30 tonight. The city council meeting will be broadcast live on KMXT.

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