Incumbents Returned to KEA Board

Jay Barrett/KMXT

There will be three familiar faces serving another three years on the Kodiak Electric Association board of directors. Cliff Davidson, Stosh Anderson and Michael Brechan were all returned to office at Monday night’s 70th annual KEA membership meeting. There were no other candidates. KEA spokeswoman Nancy Sweeney said 236 members were in attendance at the meeting, though ballots were mailed April 5th to the 4,000-plus Kodiak Electric members.

Davidson received 795 votes, Anderson 785, and Brechan 756.

At a meeting Tuesday morning, the board elected its officers for the coming year. Davidson will serve as chairman, Ron Acarregui will be vice-chair and Anderson will be secretary-treasurer.

Regular meetings of the board of directors will be at noon on the fourth Thursday of every month except November and December. The next meeting is scheduled for May 24th.

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