Local Attorney Assumes Chair of Kodiak Democratic Party


Jay Barrett/KMXT

The Democratic faithful in Kodiak have a new party chair. Liz Fleming took over as Kodiak Democratic Party Chair from Dick Ross about a month ago. As a snowbird, Ross said he was away from Kodiak too much of the year and sought to be replaced.

Fleming, an attorney, came to Kodiak from Anchorage for a job with the State of Alaska about a year and a half ago, but has since gone into private practice. That freed her to resume involvement in party politics. She had previously been chair of District 21 Democrats in Anchorage.

— (Fleming 1 12 sec "I’m a lawyer and I’ve opened … I let myself do that.")

After she left the employ of the state, Fleming said she attended the District 36 Democratic Party caucus, and found it well-attended.

— (Fleming 2 29 sec "That’s enough people to … get behind that candidate.")

This is an election year for both the State House and Senate seats in Kodiak, and both Republican incumbents, Alan Austerman and Gary Stevens, have expressed interest in running for re-election. Currently there are no declared Democratic challengers for the seats, but Fleming would like to hear from anyone who is interested in running:

— (Fleming 3 28 sec "I’m new enough to not know … to run, let’s talk about it.")

Fleming’s phone number is in the book, and her law office is in the Kodiak Plaza Building on Center Avenue – conveniently close to the offices of Kodiak’s delegation to Juneau.


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