Public Comment Period Open on Subsistence Crab Regs


Jennifer Canfield/KMXT

Alaskans have just over five weeks to weigh in on a Fish and Game proposal that would align federal and state rules surrounding the subsistence harvest of tanner and king crab. Nick Sagalkin is the area management biologist for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in Kodiak. He says the changes would affect the size and type of equipment that can be used with king and tanner crab pots and will also make management easier.

"In the end it’s for the benefit of the public so that you don’t have slightly different rules between the federal and state governments and you don’t get tripped up thinking that you’re operating under on set of rules when in fact you’re illegal."

Sagalkin added that the reasons the Alaska Board of Fish first adopted the regulations for subsistence tanner and king crab harvests were declining populations in the Kodiak area and reports of misuse of the resource.

The public can comment on the proposal through June 15th. If the proposal is approved at next January’s meeting, the new rules would go into effect April 1, 2013.

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