Coastal Management Initiative Gets Airing in Kodiak


Maggie Wall/KMXT

Kodiak residents had a chance to speak out on the August ballot measure that would create a replacement for the coastal management program that was dismantled after the Alaska legislature failed to reauthorize the program.

KMXT’s Maggie Wall attended the Lieutenant governor’s meeting and has this report.

–((Coastal Management Hearing 4:29 "Alaska’s Coastal Management Program…the ballot measure. SOQ"

Alaska’s Coastal Management Program, which was in effect in some version or another from 1976 to 2011, was designed to give a voice to the state’s coastal residents who would be impacted by development in their region.

Kodiak City Mayor Pat Branson spoke in support of the ballot measure:

-((Coastal Management Hearing 1 :40 "As a testament…affecting our coastline."))

Rick Rogers, is the executive director of the Resource Development Council for Alaska, known as the RDC, which is a nonprofit business association representing Alaskan businesses in the fields of oil, gas, mining, timber, tourism and fisheries.

Rogers spoke in opposition to the ballot measure, saying it had a lot of problems, is vague and would hinder business development in Alaska:

-((Coastal Management Hearing 2 :55 "Ballot Measure 2 …affects the scenery."

Kodiak’s Brian Himelbloom said he was new to the whole coastal management issue, but he liked what he saw in the voter pamphlet pro statement:

-((Coastal Management Hearing 3

Charlie Powers represented Koniag Inc. He said Alaska needs a coastal management program, but not the one that would be approved through the ballot process. Instead, he challenged Kodiak residents to insist that the legislature create a program that works for project development, since stalled projects can mean stalled economies:

–((Coastal Management Hearing 3

Thursday’s hearing on the coastal management ballot initiative was hosted by Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell by teleconference from Anchorage. Bad weather prohibited the lieutenant governor from making it to Kodiak. Ironically, cancelled flights meant that Kodiak residents got a chance to hear a different perspective on the issue. Stuck in town because of weather, a number of off-island professionals representing mining, oil and other industries were able to add their thoughts to the mix. Many of those were in Kodiak to attend the recent meeting of the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce. Virtually all those from off island testified in opposition to the ballot measure.

I’m Maggie Wall.

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