Why Did the Children Cross the Road? Because Don Roberts Was There to Help Them


Brianna Gibbs/KMXT

If you’ve ever driven by the intersection of Mill Bay Road and Birch Street on a weekday morning, you’ve probably seen Don Roberts. For the past 13 years, Roberts has faithfully served as crossing guard of that three-way stop, which is an early morning hub for kids walking to school.

He arrives early, around 7:30 a.m., rain or shine. Dressed in neon reflective gear and armed with a light-up traffic baton and stop sign, Roberts spends the better part of an hour directing traffic and safely ushering pedestrians across the street. KMXT’s Brianna Gibbs spent a morning with Roberts to learn what it’s like to be a crossing guard for more than a dozen years.

Don Roberts was named the volunteer of the year during the April 22 Kodiak Island Borough School District’s Board of Education meeting.

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