City Adds New Fees to Different Facilities


Brianna Gibbs/KMXT

Next winter folks will have to pay a small fee to use the ice rink at Baranof Park. That was one of a handful of fee changes and additions the Kodiak City Council discussed during its regular meeting last week. City Manager Aimee Kniaziowski said the fee will be similar, if not identical, to what people are charged at the swimming pool meaning $1-$2 depending on someone’s age.
Kniaziowski said the rink is a very labor intensive facility that the city has to operate, and the suggested fees will help cover its operating costs.
Another fee heading to the city this year is what Kniaziowski called a “visitor card” for the public library.
“Which would be you know, someone who doesn’t live here who would like access to the library, it would be a $10 fee for that.”
She said the rates for the use of the library’s multipurpose room will be increasing to offset costs of wear and tear in the new building.
The city council held a public hearing on the proposed fee changes during the regular meeting. While no one commented on the fees that were being suggested, Judi Kidder did suggest adding another to the list. She said some sort of enforcement fee in the community might help off set the cost of having to remove junk items from public property.
“I think it’s a very important thing in light of the trash being dumped out in the community.”
The council voted unanimously in favor of the fee changes.

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